QuickAssembly 2025 For Blender 4.3


Curve Array can use point size from Curve
Damage Seed
Scatter support for Weight Painting
Radial Array in any direction

Bug Fixes

New Features


QuickAssembly 2024 For Blender 4.2


Default Scatter values now set to 0 to fix crashing at old default value of 1 in cases of large scene scales. Remember to set the Density Max value higher than 0 to see the scatter!

Bug Fixes

Remove Material on Snow

Volume Scatter

QuickAssembly 2024 For Blender 4.1

New Features

Random Deletion added to Cloner



Damage Edges

Bug Fixes

Curve Array crash if nothing selected

Environment Rotation now allows full -180 to 180 degrees

QuickAssembly 2024 For Blender 4.0.2

New Features

Damage replaced with DamageEdges. This new method works on all objects and can create some very nice noisy damage based on angle settings and subdivision


Texture Displacement will now set material automatically if it existed on the object

Bug Fixes

Randomizer losing materials

Object Scatter losing materials

QuickAssembly 2024 For Blender 4.0

New Features

Greeble Assembly

Slice geometry along chosen axis

Noise controls

Face selection probability

Random extrusion amounts per face

Inset after extrusion

Shrinkwrap Collection

Shrinkwrap selected objects onto multiple objects at once IE: your entire scene

Damage Edges Assembly

Material support added to assemblies

Rain Assembly comes with built in simple Rain Material

Error message pop up in case of incorrect selection

Hue/Saturation/Value controls for Environment Assembly



Checkbox to scatter only on objects existing vertices

Surface Offset setting, useful when scattering decals before Shrinkwrapping

Simplified Shrinkwrap

Less settings to tweak while being better and more consistent

Threshold setting to remove stretched polygons, useful when shrinkwrapping decals after scattering

Mask by Normal Direction

Fog Assembly uses pseudo world scale to set default resolution

Change Environment Assembly Texture after creation

Camera DOF Toggle

Invert toggle for Displacement assemblies

Direction controls for Texture Displacement assembly

Bug Fixes

Apply Assembly update

Curve Array orientation

Handle Assemblies on MultiUser Data

Chosen Camera settings not being applied on every new Camera Assembly

QuickAssembly 2023 for Blender 3.4

New Features

Use Vertex Color Attribute as a Mask option wherever possible

Added setting to change Radial Array Axis

Scatter V2

Option to hide/show source for scatter

Keep Source Objects visible

Shrinkwrap V2

3D Shrinkwrap controls to project base of any mesh to the surface

Shrinkwrap Displacement can now have negative values

Reversed initial direction so it shrinkwraps away from the normal

Displacement V2

Displace Along Normal setting

Mask by Normal Direction in Global Space setting

Snow V2

Coverage settings for noise breakup

New Extrude setting for depth control

Mask by Normal direction to allow snow, dirt, grime or mud effects


Turn any object into a fog volume

Control Density and Noise settings without going into the node editor


Generate 3D static rain and particles to use in your scenes

Lighting (Cycles)

Setup Area Light as an image texture projector with one click for realistic lighting

Load in and control HDRI map easily without the node editor


Create a camera and control it from the QA panel

Horizontal flip setting to check composition

QuickAssembly 2022 for Blender 3.1.2

Bug Fixes

Shrinkwrap normal direction

QuickAssembly 2022 Version 1 for Blender 3.1


Linear Array

Simple Linear Array using instances for maximum efficiency

Linear Array Collection

Array will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)

Radial Array

Radial Array with a variety of settings using instances for maximum efficiency

Radial Array Collection

Array will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)

Brick Array

Linear Array with offset setting to create bricks/tiles

Curve Array

Array objects onto a Curve

Curve Array Collection

Array will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)


Object Scatter

Scatter selected objects onto the active object

Object Scatter Collection

Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)

Texture Scatter

Scatter selected objects onto the active object based on a texture

Texture Scatter Collection

Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)

Volume Scatter

Scatter selected objects inside the volume of the active object

Volume Scatter Collection

Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)



Duplicate the selected object as many times as you want and randomize all of the copies transformations


Randomize the transformation of all your selected objects

Randomizer Collection

Randomize the transformations of all objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)


Grow Ivy or any selected geometry onto the active object

Growth Collection

Grow Ivy or any selected geometry onto all the objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)


Create Snow on top of your selected objects

Snow Collection

Create Snow on top of all the objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)


Add some damage to the selected objects

Explode your selected objects into voronoi chunks
Scatter Icycles or any type of spiky geometry onto your selected objects
Create an instanced proxy of your selected objects
Texture Displacement
Displace your mesh with a triplanar texture
Noise Displacement
Displace your mesh with a simple built-in Noise texture
Finalize your assembly with this handy time-saving tool and convert it to a regular mesh